Greathead Injector Hydrant - London, England

Nothing is known about the company or companies that produced these hydrants. The information here is from the proceedings of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, general meeting, held June 19th 1879 in London. A paper titled "On Injector Hydrants for Fire Extinction" was presented by J.H. Greathead of London.

"James Henry Greathead (1844-1896) is more famous as the inventor of the Greathead Tunnelling Shield. He was the Chief Engineer on the City and South London Railway (now part of the Northern line), the world's first electric underground tube-constructed railway, which opened in 1890". (courtesy of Rob Cartwright)

If you have further information about the Greathead Injector Hydrant E-mail Us.

  Greathead Injector Hydrant
Identifying Characteristics: Underground hydrant with secondary high-pressure inlet to give greater flow from a low pressure main. Was used in London where water pressures were insufficient for fire-fighting. The stated goal was to eliminate the need for fire engines!

Illustrated is a double hydrant on an 8" main. The high pressure inlet is labled "C" in the illustration.

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Nozzles: 2x ?
Mainvalve Diameter: ?

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