The Kerr Engine Co. Ltd.
Walkerrville, ON

We currently have no information about this company.

If you have any information about the Kerr Engine Co., or their hydrants --- an old advertisement, old records at your water agency, etc., please E-mail us.
  Model: Unknown
The model designation of this hydrant is currently unknown to It is very similar in appearance to this Lawson hydrant and this Toronto Water Works hydrant.
Nozzles: 2x 2½"
Size: ? V.O.
Dated: 1911
Location: private collection
©2003, Rick Ovecka

  Model: Unknown
Identifying Characteristics: Appearance is similar to the Toronto Water Works hydrant made by various companies.
  • The inscription on the back of the barrel indicates it was designed by W. E. Chipman, C.E., an engineer from Toronto.
  • Note the old style wide chain rings on the hose nozzle caps.

  • Click photos to enlarge
    Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x 4"
    Date: ?
    © 2004 Sherri Prue
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    © 2004 Sherri Prue

      No. 102 model
    From a 1928 catalogue listing: "The Kerr new type (non Jacket) compression fire hydrant, iron body, bronze mounted, Model number 102."
    Nozzles: 2x 2½"
    Size: 4¼" V.O.
    Dated: ?
    See also closeup & opposite side
    Location: Windsor, Ontario
    Photo: ©2004, J. Anderson
    Nozzles: 2x 2½"
    Size: 5 V.O.
    Dated: 1925
    Location: Ontario
    Photo: ©2002, S. Niven
    Nozzles: 2x 2½", 1x ~4"
    Size: ~5 V.O.
    Dated: ?
    Location: Windsor, Ontario

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    Unless otherwise noted, all contents of these WWW pages © 2004