Pattee & Perkins - Holyoke, MA
R. Pattee & Company - Holyoke, MA
Pattee & Draper - Holyoke, MA
Holyoke Iron Works - Holyoke, MA
Norwood Engineering - Florence, MA

Company History*
Pattee & Perkins Company of 28 Main Street was established in 1870 by a couple of machinists; Richard Pattee and Duane F. Perkins. An engraving of their original factory building can be viewed here. Their Holyoke, MA fire hydrant was patented March 17, 1874. The next year they are selling what some literature refers to as a Perkins's improved fire hydrant.

In 1882, the company is now R. Pattee & Co. (Richard Pattee and William S. Perkins) machinists and manufacturers of fire hydrants.

By 1886, the company is changed to Pattee & Draper (Richard Pattee and Edward P. Draper) and they are at a different location, 42 Commericial Street in Holyoke, MA. From the magazine, Engineering News, is this 1885 Pattee & Draper hydrant advertisement.

In 1887, the company is now the Holyoke Hydrant and Iron Works (owned still by Richard Pattee and Edward P. Draper). In 1889, Charles E. Torance is now the proprietor of the Holyoke Hydrant and Iron Works. Richard Pattee is now retired and Edward P. Draper has moved to Canada.

In 1896, Charles E. Torrance became Vice President of Norwood Engineering Co. of 29 North Maple Street, Florence, MA which began in 1892 as iron founders and machinery manufacturers. Norwood began manufacturing fire hydrants in 1896 so Torance probably brought with him his inventory of casting molds, operating valves, etc. Norwood did not make hydrants prior to 1896 and it would seem that Norwood purchased the Holyoke Hydant and Iron Works and installed Torrance as Vice President, a position he held until his death in 1914.

In 1946, the company name is slightly changed to Norwood Mfg. Engineering Co., and there are new owners; Nathaniel P. Rand, Pres., Edward Krock, Vice Pres., and Aaron Krock, Treas. This is apparently the last year of hydrant manufacture as the company either closed the Norwood business or moved it to another location.

* These company histories were compiled from Holyoke and Northampton city directories by John J. Zwisler of the Holyoke Massachusetts Public Library. This generous donation of his time and the information is greatly appreciated by

All photos (C) Jeff Kaminski and restored hydrants a part of his collection unless otherwise credited.
These very ornate hydrants are obviously the same model and are of a 1 piece barrel design.
  • Each has a patent date of Mar. 17, 1874 unless otherwise noted. Those with a patent date have the "Style B" embossing except for # 1091 which has the "Style A"
  • Patent Date
    embossing - "Style A"
    Patent Date
    embossing - "Style B"
  • Three different variations have been noted in the ornate "plant leaf-like" design cast onto the barrel between the ground line and the nozzles. These are shown below with a description of each.
  • Type 1
    This "plant leaf" barrel embossing has been found only on the Pattee & Perkins hydrant in photo #1091 and is perhaps the earliest style. Note the center rib goes all the way to the top of the pointed tip near the top. The entire "plant leaf" feature is also flatter than on the other types.
    Type 2
    This "plant leaf" barrel embossing is by far the most common. Note the raised edge around the pointed tip near the top. All the hydrants on this page (except #1091) have this style as do some of the Holyoke hydrants found on the next page.
    Type 3a
    This "plant leaf" barrel embossing is found only on some of the Holyoke hydrants on the next page. It is similar to Type 2 but the pointed tip is sharper and has no raised edge.
    The hydrants presented below are separated into sections by these different company names cast onto the hydrants.
  • A variety of embossing styles for the manufacturer's name & location have been noted. These have been assigned arbitrary Style #s in the photos below and are listed after each photo number for each hydrant.
  • Hydrants marked as Pattee & Perkins have a circular groove cast into the barrel just above the nozzles; whereas R. Pattee hydrants generally do not have this groove. Pattee & Draper hydrants do not have this groove.
  • The nozzles are leaded-in.
  •   Pattee & Perkins (1874-1881)
  • There are three known styles of "PATTEE & PERKINS HOLYOKE MASS" embossing.

  • "Style 1" "Style 2" "Style 3a" "Style 3b"

  • Note the barrel groove just above the nozzles on all of these hydrants.
  • The style of company embossing for each hydrant below is specified with each image number.

  • 1091 Style 1
    Nozzles: 1 x 2.5"
    Size: ~3" barrel I.D.
    2466 Style 1
    Nozzles: 2 x 2.5"
    Size: ~3" barrel I.D.
    Bonnet view
    0876 Style 2
    Nozzles: 1 x 2.5"
    Size: 4" barrel I.D.
    1783 Style 2
    Nozzles: 2 x 2"
    Size: 4" barrel I.D.
    0835 Style 2
    Nozzles: 2 x 2.5"
    Size: 4" barrel I.D.
    Location: private collection
    1547 Style 3a
    Nozzles: 3 x 2.5"
    Size: 5" barrel I.D.
    2366 Style 3b
    Nozzles: 4 x 2.5", internally gated.
    Size: 6" barrel I.D.

      R. Pattee & Co. (1882-1885)
  • There are three known styles of "R. PATTEE & CO. HOLYOKE MASS" embossing.

  • "Style 1" "Style 2" "Style 3"

  • Generally these hydrants have no barrel groove. The exception(s) are so noted.
  • The style of company embossing for each hydrant below is specified with each image number.

  • 1546 Style 3
    Nozzles: 1 x 2.5"
    Size: 4" barrel I.D.
    1874 Style 1
    Nozzles: 2 x 2.5"
    Size: 4" barrel I.D.
    Note: barrel groove filled in
    Location: private collection
    0912 Style 1
    Nozzles: 2 x 2.5", 1 x 4"
    Size: 4" barrel I.D.
    Location: Massachusetts
    0570 Style 1
    Nozzles: 2 x 2.5", 1 x 5"
    Size: 4" barrel I.D.
    2104 Style 2
    Nozzles: 2 x 2.5"
    Size: 5" barrel I.D.
    Location: Bill H. collection
    Photo: © 2003, B. Houston
    1520 Style 2
    Nozzles: 3 x 2.5"
    Size: 5" barrel I.D.
    Note: barrel groove
    0836 Style 2
    Nozzles: 3 x 2.5"
    Size: ~5" barrel I.D.
    Note: chain loop below bonnet
    Location: Massachusetts
    1521 Style 2
    Nozzles: 3 x 2.5"
    Size: ~5" barrel I.D.
    Note: chain loop below nozzle

      Pattee & Draper (1886)
  • There one known style of "PATTEE & DRAPER HOLYOKE MASS" embossing.
  • These hydrants have no barrel groove.

  • "Style 1" 1548 Style 1
    Nozzles: 2 x 2.5", 1x 4"
    Size: 5" barrel I.D.

    Part 1 (Pattee companies) , Part 2 (Holyoke Iron) , Part 3 (Norwood)
    Back to Hydrant Pictures
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